"There Is Room 4 U @ Calvary"
There are various ways to support Calvary Christian Ministries, via direct and indirect contributions. Direct contributions include monetary gifts and offerings, while indirect contributions include programs like Amazon Smile and Kroger Community Rewards. We appreciate any and all support and encourage you to utilize these methods and programs. Thank you!
There is Room for You at Calvary
With Amazon Smile, 0.5% eligible purchases go to the charitable organization of your choice. This is all at no cost to you.
Click below to begin shopping while donating:
To change your normal profile to an Amazon Smile profile:
Step 1. Download and install the latest version of the Amazon shopping app from the Play Store.
Step 2. If you have already downloaded the app, head to the Google Play Store to get it updated.
Step 3. Now open the app and login with your Amazon account.
Step 4. Once done, tap on the main menu and select ‘Settings’
Step 5. On the Settings page, tap on the ‘Amazon Smile’ feature.
Step 6. Now you need to follow the onscreen instructions to enable the Amazon smile feature.
Step 7. Once done, you will see a screen that will display the ‘Start Shopping’ button.
1. Simply register online at krogercommunityrewards.com. Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy so you can register your card with your organization after you sign up. (If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger).
2. Click on Sign In if you are already an online customer or Register if you are a new on-line customer. You can also go to the SIGN UP TODAY link.
3. Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions.
4. You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
5. Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. Toward the bottom of your screen, you will find a section titled Community Rewards.
5. Click on EDIT Kroger Community Rewards or Click the ENROLL button and input your Kroger Plus card number or your registered phone number. (If the system does not recognize your phone number, please call 1-800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus Card number).
6. Update or confirm your information. Enter NPO number (11213) or enter Community Services Project as the name of our organization you select from the drop down list and click on confirm.
To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on your information page. REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after you register your card.
You must swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to your registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Source: Kroger Community Rewards | (communityservicesproject.org)
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