READ FIRST - Waiver Form

5K / Family & Friends Day Registration

5K Payment Options

Once you've registered via the form above, submit your payment using any of the methods below.


CashApp: $Calvary2002


In the "For" section, write CCM5K-"FirstName LastName" (example: CCM5K-John Doe)

Vendor Information

Interested in being a vendor and advertising your small business?

Provide us with the following information:

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Your Business Name
  3. Description of products/services

Send the above information to now to reserve your spot!

Note: The vendor booth rent is FREE this year and we will provide tables and chairs at no cost

Are you ready?

Don't forget to save this app to your mobile device via the instructions below

"There Is Room 4 U @ Calvary"

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